Installing ColdFusion 9

Data source problems

Unable to add a Microsoft Access data source


When you try to add a Microsoft Access data source, an error appears:


Install and start up the ODBC service, or use the Microsoft Access with Unicode driver.

ODBC services do not install properly


ODBC services do not install properly.


Remove the existing ODBC services using the following code:

        writeOutput("Installing ODBC Services...<br>"); 
        returnValue = myObj.installODBCservice(); 
        writeOutput("ODBC Services installed"); 

You then reinstall the ODBC services using the following code:

    writeOutput("Removing ODBC Services...<br>"); 
    returnValue = myObj.removeODBCservice(); 
    writeOutput("ODBC Services removed"); 

Unable to INSERT or UPDATE an Oracle 10 database when there is a CLOB field


Columns have a 4 KB size limit in Oracle. If a column is larger that the 4 KB size limit, when you try to use either the cfinsert or cfupdate tag, the following error is generated:

ORA-01704: string literal too long 


To avoid this error, use either the cfquery or cfqueryparam tag.