Installing ColdFusion 9

Installing the ColdFusion .NET Integration Services

You install Adobe ColdFusion 9 .NET Integration Service to access .NET assemblies from ColdFusion. The .NET assemblies can exist either locally on the computer on which Coldfusion is running or on a remote machine. If the computer on which you are installing ColdFusion does not have Microsoft .NET framework installed, the .NET Integration Services option is disabled in the ColdFusion installer.

Installing ColdFusion .NET Integration Services with ColdFusion

If .NET assemblies exist locally, select the .NET Integration Services option when you install ColdFusion. Doing so installs the Adobe Coldfusion 9 .NET Integration Services with ColdFusion. You can access .NET assemblies locally only if you are running ColdFusion on a Windows computer; on other operating systems, the .NET assemblies must be on a remote Windows computer.

The ColdFusion installer puts the .NET Integration software in the cf_root\jnbridge directory. If you install the ColdFusion multiserver configuration or the J2EE configuration, you can specify the directory in which to install the .NET Integration software.

The installer automatically determines your Windows system .NET Framework version (1.x or 2.0) and installs the appropriate .NET integration software. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. If you upgrade your .NET Framework, reinstall Adobe Coldfusion 9 .NET Integration Servies. Proxies that you generate for .NET Framework 1.x work with .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.0, but proxies generated for .NET Framework 2.0 do not work with 1.x frameworks.

Installing ColdFusion .NET Service separately

If the .NET assemblies are on a remote computer, you use the .NET Service Installer to install Adobe Coldfusion 9 .NET Service. Similarly, to install the ColdFusion .NET Service when Coldfusion is already installed, you use the Adobe ColdFusion 9 .NET Service installer.

Installing using the ColdFusion 9 .NET Service installer

  1. Open the installer.

  2. Select the directory in which to install the .NET Service files.

  3. Do one of the following:

    1. To install the .NET Service on the computer that is running ColdFusion, select the Install .NET Service With ColdFusion option and specify the ColdFusion root directory.

    2. To install the .NET Service remotely, select the Install .NET Service As Standalone option.

  4. Review the Summary and click Install.

  5. Restart ColdFusion.

Uninstall the ColdFusion 9 .NET Service

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.

  2. Select Adobe Coldfusion 9 .NET Service.

  3. Click Uninstall.

    Alternatively, you can uninstall the Adobe Coldfusion 9 .NET Service by running the Uninstall Adobe ColdFusion 9 .NET Integration Services.exe program. The program is located in the cf_root\jnbridge\uninstall directory on ColdFusion server configurations. On multiserver and J2EE configurations and on computers where you installed the Integration software without ColdFusion, it is in the C:\ColdFusionDotNetService\uninstall directory by default.