Developing ColdFusion 9 Applications

CFC to ActionScript wizard

The CFC to ActionScript wizard lets you create an ActionScript file based on a ColdFusion component (CFC) Value Object.

Use the CFC to ActionScript wizard

  1. In Flash Builder or Eclipse, go to the Project Navigator.

  2. Right-click a CFC Value Object file.

  3. Select ColdFusion Wizards > Create AS Class.

  4. Enter the location of the ActionScript file in the Save to Project Folder text box, or click Browse and select the location.

  5. Enter the class package in the AS Class Package text box.

  6. Enter the filename of the ActionScript class file in the AS Class Name text box.

  7. To replace an existing file, select Overwrite file.

  8. Enter the path to the CFC in the Path to CFC text box.

  9. To create get and set methods in the ActionScript Class file, select Generate Get/Set Methods.

  10. Click Finish.