Developing ColdFusion 9 Applications

CFC invocation techniques

ColdFusion provides many ways to instantiate CFCs and invoke CFC methods. The following table lists the techniques, including the ColdFusion tags and functions that you use:



For more information

cfinvoke tag

Invokes a component method. Can invoke methods of a CFC instance or invoke the methods transiently.

See Invoking CFC methods with the cfinvoke tag.

cfset tag and assignment statements

Invoke methods and access properties of a component instance.

See Using components directly in CFScript and CFML.


Transiently invokes a component method by specifying the component and method names in the URL string.

See Invoking component methods by using a URL.

Form control(HTTP POST)

Transiently invokes a component method using the HTML form and input tags and their attributes.

See Invoking component methods by using a form.

Flash Remoting

ActionScript can transiently invoke component methods.

See Using the Flash Remoting Service.

Web services

The cfinvoke tag and CFScript consume web services in ColdFusion. External applications can also consume CFC methods as web services.

See Using Web Services.