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Using cfspreadsheetThe cfspreadsheet tag lets you manage Excel spreadsheets. The tag lets you do the following:
Use the spreadsheet functions to manipulate rows and columns in a spreadsheet and the data in the rows and columns. You can also specify and get comments, values, and formulas for a cell in the spreadsheet. Microsoft Office Excel 2007 is supported by cfspreadsheet and
all the spreadsheet functions except the following:
For detailed information about cfspreadsheet and all the spreadsheet functions, see CFML Reference. ExamplesThe following example reads the spreadsheet file - SingleSheet.xls and stores the spreadsheet data in a CSV string. <cfspreadsheet action = "read" format="csv" src="C:\documents\SingleSheet.xls" name="csvvar" rows="1-4,5,6,7-8"> <cfoutput>#csvvar#</cfoutput> The following example reads the spreadsheet file - template_02.xls and stores the spreadsheet data in a query. <cfspreadsheet action = "read" src="C:\dcuments\template_02.xls" query="excelquery" sheet="1" rows="1-3,4-5" columns="1,4"> <cfoutput query="excelquery" startrow="1" maxrows="#excelquery.recordcount#"> #excelquery.col_1# #excelquery.col_2# </cfoutput> The following example reads a spreadsheet file - template_08_Charts_Graph.xls and stores the spreadsheet data in an HTML string. <cfspreadsheet action = "read" format="html" src="C:\documents\template_08_Charts_Graph.xls" name="report1" rows="5-11" columns="1-6"> <cfoutput> #report1# </cfoutput> The following example uses data from a query and writes it to a single sheet in the spreadsheet file - SingleSheet1.xls <cfquery name="excelquery" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT PARKNAME, REGION, STATE FROM Parks WHERE STATE='WI' ORDER BY ParkName, State </cfquery> <cfspreadsheet action = "write" filename="C:\SingleSheet1.xls" query="excelquery" overwrite="true"> |