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CharsetEncodeSee alsoBinaryDecode, BinaryEncode, CharsetDecode; Determining the page encoding of server output in the Developing ColdFusion Applications Parameters
UsageAdobe recommends that you use this function, and not the ToString function, to convert binary data to strings in all new applications. ExampleThe following example uses the CharsetDecode function to convert a string from a form to a binary object, and uses the CharsetEncode function to convert it back to the original value. You can change the character encoding that ColdFusion uses for the conversion. If you select the Asian language encodings, characters that are not in the specified character set are successfully converted. <h3>Character Encoding Conversion Example</h3> <!--- Do the following if the form has been submitted. ---> <cfif IsDefined("Form.myString")> <!--- Do the conversions. ---> <cfscript> chardecode=CharsetDecode(Form.myString, Form.charEncoding); charencode=CharsetEncode(chardecode, Form.charEncoding); </cfscript> <!--- Display the input values and results. ---> <cfoutput> <h3>Parameter Settings</h3> <p><b>The string:</b><br> #Form.myString#</p> <p><b>The character encoding:</b> #Form.charEncoding#</p> <h3>Results of the operations:</h3> <p><b>Dump of the string converted to a binary object by CharsetDecode: </b><br> <cfdump var="#chardecode#"></p> <p><b>The binary object converted back to a string by CharsetEncode: </b><br> #charencode#</p> </cfoutput> </cfif> <!--- The input form. ---> <form action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#" method="post"> <b>Select the character encoding</b><br> <!--- This is a subset, additional encodings are available. ---> <select size="1" name="charEncoding" > <option selected>UTF-8</option> <option>ASCII</option> <option>ISO8859_1</option> <option>CP1252</option> <option>SJIS</option> <option>MS932</option> <option>EUC_CN</option> <option>Big5</option> </select><br> <br> <b>Enter a string</b><br> <textArea name = "myString" cols = "40" rows = "5" WRAP = "VIRTUAL"> The following four characters are not in all character encodings: ½àç÷ </textArea><br> <br> <input type = "Submit" value = "convert my data"> </form> |