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cfftp: Opening and closing FTP server connectionsDescriptionTo establish a connection with an FTP server, use the open action with a connection attribute. Syntax<cfftp action = "open|close|quote|site|allo|acct" actionparam = "command or account information" buffersize = "number" connection = "name" passive = "yes|no" password = "password" port = "port" proxyServer = "proxy server" retryCount = "number" server = "server" stopOnError = "yes|no" timeout = "time-sout in seconds" username = "name"> Note: You
can specify this tag’s attributes in an attributeCollection attribute
whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute
and use the tag’s attribute names as structure keys.
UsageWhen you establish a connection with cfftp action="open" and specify a name in the connection attribute, ColdFusion caches the connection so that you can reuse it to perform additional FTP operations. When you use a cached connection for subsequent FTP operations, you do not have to specify the username, password, or server connection attributes. The FTP operations that use the same connection name automatically use the information stored in the cached connection. Using a cached connection helps save connection time and improves file transfer performance. You do not need to open a connection for single, simple, FTP operations, such as GetFile or PutFile. With any action except close, you can set the internal buffer size by specifying buffersize. If you specify quote, site, allo, or acct as the action and set secure="yes" an error is generated. You specify the command to send to the FTP server in the actionparam attribute when you specify site or quote as the action. When site is the action, you use the actionparam attribute to specify the site-specific information. To keep a connection open throughout a session or longer, put the connection name in the Session or Application scope; for example, specify connection="Session.FTPConnection". However, if you do this, you must specify the full variable name in all FTP operations, and you must use the close action when you are finished. Keeping a connection open prevents others from using the FTP server; so close a connection as soon as possible. If you do not assign the connection name to Session or Application variable, the connection remains open for the current page only, and you do not have to close it manually. Changes to a cached connection, such as changing retryCount or timeout values, might require reestablishing the connection. Example<p>cfftp lets users implement File Transfer Protocol operations. By default, cfftp caches an open connection to an FTP server.</p> <p>cfftp operations are usually of two types:</p> <ul> <li>Establishing a connection <li>Performing file and directory operations </ul> <p>This example opens and verifies a connection, lists the files in a directory, and closes the connection.</p> <p>Open a connection</p> <cfftp action = "open" username = "anonymous" connection = "My_query" password = "" server = "" stopOnError = "Yes"> <p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> <p>List the files in a directory: <cfftp action = "LISTDIR" stopOnError = "Yes" name = "ListFiles" directory = "/" connection = "my_query"> <cfoutput query = "ListFiles"> #name#<br> </cfoutput> <p>Close the connection:</p> <cfftp action = "close" connection = "My_query" stopOnError = "Yes"> <p>Did it succeed? <cfoutput>#cfftp.succeeded#</cfoutput> |