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AddSOAPRequestHeaderSee alsoAddSOAPResponseHeader, GetSOAPRequest, GetSOAPRequestHeader, GetSOAPResponse, GetSOAPResponseHeader, IsSOAPRequest; Basic web service concepts in the Developing ColdFusion Applications Parameters
UsageUsed within CFML code by a consumer of a web service before it calls the web service. If you pass XML in the value parameter, ColdFusion ignores the namespace and name parameters. If you require a namespace, define it within the XML itself. ExampleThere are two parts to this example. The first part is the web service CFC that this function (as well as the other ColdFusion SOAP functions) uses to demonstrate its interaction with a web service. To implement the web service for this function, see the example for AddSOAPResponseHeader. Execute the following example as a client to see how the AddSOAPRequestHeader function operates. <!--- Note that you might need to modify the URL in the CreateObject function to match your server and the location of the headerservice.cfc file if it is different than shown here. Likewise for the cfinvoke tag at the end. ---> <h3>AddSOAPRequestHeader Example</h3> <cfscript> // Create the web service object. ws = CreateObject("webservice", "http://localhost/soapheaders/headerservice.cfc?WSDL"); // Set the username header as a string. addSOAPRequestHeader(ws, "http://mynamespace/", "username", "tom", false); // Set the password header as a CFML XML object. doc = XmlNew(); doc.password = XmlElemNew(doc, "http://mynamespace/", "password"); doc.password.XmlText = "My Voice is my Password"; doc.password.XmlAttributes["xsi:type"] = "xsd:string"; addSOAPRequestHeader(ws, "ignoredNameSpace", "ignoredName", doc); // Invoke the web service operation. ret = ws.echo_me("argument"); // Get the first header as an object (string) and as XML. header = getSOAPResponseHeader(ws, "", "returnheader"); XMLheader = getSOAPResponseHeader(ws, "", "returnheader", true); // Get the second header as an object (string) and as XML. header2 =getSOAPResponseHeader(ws, "", "returnheader2"); XMLheader2 = getSOAPResponseHeader(ws, "", "returnheader2", true); </cfscript> <hr> <cfoutput> Soap Header value: #HTMLCodeFormat(header)#<br> Soap Header XML value: #HTMLCodeFormat(XMLheader)#<br> Soap Header 2 value: #HTMLCodeFormat(header2)#<br> Soap Header 2 XML value: #HTMLCodeFormat(XMLheader2)#<br> Return value: #HTMLCodeFormat(ret)#<br> </cfoutput> <hr> <cfinvoke component="soapheaders.headerservice" method="echo_me" returnvariable="ret" in_here="hi"> </cfinvoke> <cfoutput>The cfinvoke tag returned: #ret#</cfoutput> |